dj. flugvél og geimskip (Airplane and Spaceship) is a one girl’s project that draws influences from thousand worlds. Defined as electronic horror music with a space twist, the music is a mix of playful beats, cool bass, catchy melodies and high pitched vocals. She sings about evil cats taking over the world, alien experiments, demons hiding in shadows and the weird world below the surface of the ocean. Her live performances are lively, colourful and poetic and her music deals with mysteries, dreams and dangers of the night.
On stage, dj. flugvél og geimskip is alone in the midst of keyboards and drum machines. Her concerts are like a strange blend of music, horror stories, poetry and theatre. The mood is set by storytelling between songs, the use of incense, smoke, lights and a backdrop video. The audience is left feeling like they are in a vivid dream or have travelled to outer space.
dj. flugvél og geimskip just recently released her third album, Nótt á hafsbotni (Night at the Bottom of the Ocean) where the topic is the deep ocean. Her last album, Glamúr í geimnum (Glamour in Space) was all about the magic of space. In a way the deep ocean is similar to space, if not the same. Both are dark and exotic. Men know more about the moon then the deep ocean so one never knows what’s hiding there underneath. Nótt á hafsbotni is a heavier album then Glamúr í geimnum but the beats are more dancy and the melodies are influenced by Asian music, e.g. from India and Syria.